

Yogurt Production This page describes the production of yogurt and includes the legal Yogurt Definitions, Ingredients, Bacterial Cultures, and General Manufacturing Procedure. All yogurt yogurt contain at least 8.

Full fat yogurt must contain not less than 3. The two styles of yogurt commonly found in the grocery store are set type yogurt and swiss style yogurt. Set type yogurt is when the yogurt is packaged with the fruit on the bottom of the cup and the yogurt on top. Swiss style yogurt is when the fruit is blended into the yogurt prior to packaging. Other dairy ingredients are allowed in yogurt to adjust the composition, such as cream to adjust the fat content, and nonfat dry milk to adjust the solids content. The solids content of yogurt is often adjusted above the 8.

Sweeteners, flavors and fruit preparations are used in yogurt to provide variety to the consumer. A list of permissible sweeteners for yogurt is found in the CFR. The increase in lactic acid decreases pH and causes the milk to clot, or form the soft gel that is characteristic of yogurt. Other bacterial cultures, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus subsp.

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