
Twice baked sweet potatoes

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Some varieties of potato, such as Russet and King Edward, are more twice baked sweet potatoes for baking than others, owing to their size and consistency.

Despite the popular misconception that potatoes are fattening, baked potatoes can be part of a healthy diet. Some restaurants use special ovens designed specifically to cook large numbers of potatoes, then keep them warm and ready for service. Pricking the potato with a fork or knife allows steam to escape during the cooking process. Potatoes cooked in a microwave oven without pricking the skin might split open due to built up internal pressure from unvented steam. Wrapping the potato in aluminium foil before cooking in a standard oven will help to retain moisture, while leaving it unwrapped will result in a crisp skin. When cooking over an open fire or in the coals of a barbecue, it may require wrapping in foil to prevent burning of the skin.

A potato buried directly in coals of a fire cooks very nicely, with a mostly burned and inedible skin. Once a potato has been baked, some people discard the skin and eat only the softer and moister interior, while others enjoy the taste and texture of the crisp skin, which is rich in dietary fiber. C content because heating in air is slow and vitamin inactivation can continue for a long time. Some people bake their potatoes and then scoop out the interior, leaving the skin as a shell. The white interior flesh can then be mixed with various other food items such as cheese, butter, or bacon bits. This mixture is then spooned back into the skin shells and they are replaced in the oven to warm through.

Categories: Steak