
Trimming a brisket

While this is great information, it doesn’t really help you determine how long the smoking or grilling process will take from start to finish. If you are trying to serve your trimming a brisket at a specific time, it is most useful to know how long to smoke a brisket per pound.

This article will help you calculate the cooking time for a brisket. How Long to Cook a Small Brisket? How Long to Smoke a 1. How Long to Smoke a 2. How many hours per pound to smoke a brisket depends on the temperature of your smoker and the size and weight of the meat.

In general, if smoking a brisket at 225, 1. 5 to two hours per pound should get you juicy and tender results. Hours-per-pound is a good rule of thumb for calculating how long to smoke a brisket, but it is not a hard and fast rule. The amount of cooking time per pound depends on a few factors but primarily on the cooking method and temperature. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours per pound. To get a rough idea of how many hours to allow for preparing a brisket, we recommend following these guidelines. At 225 F, smoking a brisket takes about 1.

Categories: Old Cookbook