
Soy milk

Soy Milk is a soy milk item. Also removes the charge bar on them.

At base tear rate, Soy Milk sets the player’s tear delay to the game’s minimum value of 1, for 15 tears per second. Soy Milk’s damage down stat also significantly decreases tear size. The endless stream of tears effectively increases directional knockback. Due to the high fire rate, items that cause tears to inflict status effects activate more frequently. The shot pattern may help in controlling enemy knockback, in addition to dealing up to double damage.

1 damage bonus on Blood Clot tears is unaffected by the damage penalty. Beam can be fired continuously after charging. 2 damage bonus on Chemical Peel tears is unaffected by the damage penalty. 1 damage up after the Soy Milk penalty. Fires automatically upon reaching full charge. This may be riskier than Cursed Eye alone because Soy Milk prevents you from holding a fully charged shot.

Despite the tiny appearance of the bomb tears, the explosions will do normal explosion damage. Due to the massive fire rate, many bombs can be applied in extremely quick succession, decimating anything after a short delay. Allows for incredibly fast firing medium damage bombs. The very fast rate of fire fills the screen with low damage explosions.

Decreases fire rate slightly, but massively increases damage, range, and speed. Tear height is also massively increased, meaning tears can hit enemies through obstacles without spectral effect. Collectible A Lump of Coal icon. Significantly increases tear damage as they get further away. Even with only this synergy, individual tear damage appears to approach starting tear damage when firing over longer distances. Automatically charges and fires tear barrages.

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