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Why should we choose an auspicious date for wedding? Everyone hope their wedding ceremony goes smoothly and also they could enjoy a happy life after marriage. Choose an auspicious date, month and year for wedding is very important in Chinese culture. By choosing a good date, you will be blessed with good luck in marriage. Hereunder are auspicious months and wedding dates from January to June 2022 and 2023 as well as years you should avoid based on the Chinese almanac calendar.

How to Select Year and Month for Marriage? How to Choose an Auspicious Wedding Date? Clash XX, means the people under the zodiac sign mentions should avoid wedding on the day. Don’t know you Chinese zodiac sign? You can click the Month link in the following table to get auspicious hours of the day by clicking the definite date. Hi, My birthday is November 12, 1994. I just want to know what are auspicious dates to take an important lisensure exam on the month of october.

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