
Indian basmati rice

The requested resource is not found. The basic rule is one part rice to one and a half parts water, but the longer you soak it the less time it needs. Add the indian basmati rice juice to the water and stir thoroughly.

Cover the pan with a lid before reducing the heat. When the rice is cooked remove the lid and take the pan off the heat. Leave the rice to stand for five minutes to allow excess moisture to leave the pan. To serve, fluff the rice using a fork before placing a spoonful on each of four serving plates. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking.

162,, V K S Mahal Main Road, Ullikkottai, Chennai – 614018, Dist. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Parel, Parel, Mumbai – 400012, Dist. Highway, Borivali East, Mumbai – 400066, Dist. These are indicative values based on popular product prices.

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