
Fast dinners to cook

Still life with fruits, nuts, and large wheels of cheese. Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset. Iftar is one of the religious observances of Ramadan, and is often done as a community, with Fast dinners to cook people gathering to break their fast together.

Traditionally three dates are eaten to break the fast, in emulation of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, who broke his fast in this manner, but this is not mandatory. Insha’Allah – “Thirst has gone, the veins are moist, and the reward is assured, if Allah wills. The room was a perfect square, totally unfurnished, save that in the centre of the floor was spread a carpet, on which stood a wooden frame, about two feet in height, supporting an immense round plated tray, with the edge slightly raised. Pardoe reports the meal was served by slaves “black, white, and gray”, as the guests took seats on cushions around the platter with cloth napkins, they were served fish with rice, eaten from a common pot.

Of this practice, Pardoe says it is “rendered less revolting than it would otherwise be, by the fact that each individual is careful”. This section does not cite any sources. In Bangladesh, a wide variety of foods is prepared to break the fast at Maghrib time. People like to have iftar at home with all family members, and iftar parties are also arranged by mosques.

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