
Easy and fast recipe

This post may contain affiliate links, please read the fine print here. Love this Easy, Fast Mak Kimchi recipe? Check out our other fabulous Korean Food Recipes! If you’ve been with me for a while, you’re well easy and fast recipe of my undying love for kimchi.

Yes, it is stinky and bubbly and more than a little wild, but WOWZA the taste and the texture are so worth it. Kimchi comes in almost as many forms as there are vegetables because nearly any vegetable can be fermented. They range from super mild smell to mega funky and mellow to melt-your-face-off spicy and there is one for every possible point in between. The kimchi recipe that I’m sharing today is my family’s favourite version. It’s like yogurt on steroids, people. That’s how good it is for you!

Health Magazine named kimchi one of it’s Top 5 World’s Healthiest Foods. It is is low in calories and fat and high in dietary fiber and wicked high in Vitamins A, B, and C. Koreans eat a little kimchi with each meal or at least once a day. Kimchi is credited with helping most Koreans avoid obesity by virtue of its ability to satisfy even while being low calorie and low fat. Seoul National University conducted a study and claimed that chickens infected with the H5N1 virus, also called avian flu, recovered after eating food containing the same cultured bacteria found in kimchi. How to Make Kimchi Let’s get cracking and make some kimchi, shall we? In other words, it’s already cut up and ready to shovel into your mouth.

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