
Cornbread salad

Southern Cornbread Dressing is a classic side dish perfect for Thanksgiving dinner and many other holidays. The best cornbread dressing is made from scratch with homemade cornbread and classic combination of onion, celery, and sage. CORNBREAD DRESSING It’s not cornbread salad Thanksgiving dinner without the classic sides surrounding a big, juicy turkey.

My family always expects all the classics to be present and that includes the stuffing, or the dressing. I usually make my classic stuffing recipe with Italian bread but this year, I might change things up with cornbread dressing instead. We are all a bunch of northerners living in the south so it would be fun to include some southern cuisine on our holiday menu. After all, we’ve been living in the south for quite a long time.

One school of thought on the dressing vs. Another school of thought is simply that stuffing is cooked inside the turkey, while dressing is cooked on its own. No matter what you call it, this classic bread side dish must be present at the holiday table. Although, since cornbread is a southern tradition, we will of course be calling in a dressing. If you tend to stick to a classic stuffing recipe each year, I encourage you to try cornbread dressing at least one time. I was pleasantly surprised how much my husband loved the cornbread version of this dish because he always insists on the Italian bread stuffing. He could not put the fork down until all the dressing was gone.

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