
Cheeky valentines gifts

We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and cheeky valentines gifts in stock as of time of publication.

Do cards adorned with teddy bears make your toes curl? But just because you’re not into heart-shaped chocolates and balloons, that doesn’t mean you should forgo showing appreciation for the person you’re very much into on February 14. If the typical storefront offering really isn’t in line with your aesthetic, then how about going for a slightly cheeky option? Whether you’re after a saucy innuendo, or a bit of playful banter, these Valentine’s Day cards are spot-on alternatives for those who want to show their partner how much they cherish them, without any cheesiness. Use this day of love to celebrate their greatest asset. Or just someone who really loves a Dad joke?

This is sure to make them chuckle. Boldly let them know that your genitalia is grateful that they exist. A corny classic that’s sure to make them roll their eyes in sheer embarrassment. Let your rugged man know that he’s really ticking all your boxes this Valentine’s Day. Because they don’t have to be your ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ to be your other half. Remind the one you love that in your mind they are literally never clothed. Because nothing screams romance quite like reminding them of their jobs around the house.

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