
Calories per gram of protein

Calories from Fat,Protein and Carbs Macronutrient Ratios This article is about the calories from fat, protein and carbohydrates and the calories per gram of protein of the macronutrients. This information can come in handy when you are trying to track certain nutrition information.

It is also very useful when figuring out the Weight Watchers Points Plus values. Often times you may find some nutritional information for a food item or restaurant menu item. However, some of the pieces can be missing. For example, a restaurant may publish the total calories, fat grams and carb grams. Unfortunately they may be missing the protein grams.

If you are simply tracking calories, fat or carbohydrates, then this would not be a problem. Finding The Missing Macrontrient  One method of filling in the missing piece is to use the 4-9-4 equation. Well, basically it means that the calories are made up of 4 cal. If your food item contained 10 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat and 10 grams of carbs, then 40 calories would be from protein, 40 calories from carbs and there would be 90 calories from fat for a total of 170 calories.

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