
Broiled chicken breast marinade

An Asian Chicken Marinade infuses the chicken with flavour, and can be cooked on the grill, stove OR oven. Asian Chicken recipe This is a classic Broiled chicken breast marinade Memory dish. You know what I mean, don’t you?

It’s when the sight, smell or taste of a specific food brings back a flood of memories of a specific moment in your life. And I will always remember this particular Asian chicken recipe as the one that rendered my girlfriends silent. Because when I get together with my girlfriends, the noise never stops. You know what it’s like when a bunch of girls get together! But when I put a platter of this Asian Chicken on the table and my friends starting tucking in, silence descended over the table. The Asian Chicken Marinade tenderises and infuses the chicken with great Asian flavours! I swear to you, my friends were actually speechless the first time I made this for them.

I BBQ’d it, but also make it on the stove and oven. I vary from day to day, depending on what I have in the fridge. It’s not so much about having the exact ingredients, it’s more about using the same proportions of something sweet, salty, savoury and sour. So while the end result might not taste exactly the same as my base recipe, it’s still going to be really tasty. Which is why I’ve provided plenty of substitutions in the notes. Plus you can eyeball the measurements too.

No need to pull out measuring spoons. Unless you really don’t trust yourself to get the measures approximately right! So what’s on your meal plan for this week? If you’re preparing ahead, this is perfect to add to the menu! Just throw the chicken and marinade into a ziplock bag and pop it straight into the freezer. It will marinade in the time it takes for it to freeze and defrost which is handy.

Did you know you can freeze cooked rice rice? All my relatives in Japan do it! And a pretty darn sensational one at that, in my humble opinion. And if the reaction from my friends was anything to go by! My favourite back-pocket marinades These are the ones I use over and over again, made with pantry staples with lots of sub options!

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