
Best way to heat up pizza in oven

5-7q6-7 22-15 14-6 52-12 34-8 51 11-2-2 9. M512 192l-96-96-160 160-160-160-96 96 256 255. Complete your oven with Alfa accessories. After ten years from the launch of the portable best way to heat up pizza in oven oven from Alfa.

It takes five minutes to assemble it: just screw the levelling feet, insert the flue and chimney cowl and let the party begin! 30 minutes and cooks a pizza in 90 seconds. A portable oven for making true high-temperature Neapolitan pizza. Thanks to the patented Alfa deflector, heat gradually comes out of the flue and ensures outstanding performances. The mouth of the oven is designed to maximise the heat of the cooking chamber and to better rotate the pizza inside it.

Fire up the oven 15 minutes before dinner. Make 250 g dough balls 3 hours before. Cook the pizza in 90 seconds. Cook the pizza in 90 seconds by turning it a couple of times to make it brown evenly. Take the pizza out of the oven, cut it and tuck it in!

Wood has always been the fuel of choice for those who love tradition and strong flavours. It’s the perfect oven if you really like cooking outside and you are not afraid of putting your nose to the grindstone. Fast and practical, it’s the oven for people who don’t want to waste time and cut to the chase. The best choice to make consistently good pizzas in a hassle-free way. The new oven base, available for the wood and gas-fired version, will be packed in a cardboard box so that it can be easily transported in your car.

Assembling the base is quick and simple: screw the 4 legs to the table top, attach the 4 casters, place the oven on top and fix the 4 feet to the base. Panel to hide the gas bottle or Wood holder panel. It weighs as little as 25 kg. Handy packaging for an easy transport. The Alfa Forni pyrometer facilitates the accurate measurement of the temperature according to the type of cooking. The door comes with a peephole for continuously monitoring food cooking even when it’s closed.

The cooking chamber is entirely made of reinforced stainless steel. The double layer of ceramic fibre insulation used in commercial ovens contains heat and prevents the external frame from overheating. Always use the wood basket so as not to overload the oven with logs and to better manage the food on the floor. One minute to assemble it, one minute to cook! Place the wood basket in the centre of the cooking chamber and put some small logs to light the fire.

Three or four small logs are enough to heat it up. After about ten minutes, move the basket to the left side of the oven and close the door for ten minutes. At the end of cooking, close the door and let the fire burn out. Remove the ash when the oven is completely cool.

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