
Best pork chop recipes

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Use up leftover bread to make a crumb coating for our tasty Lyonnaise-style pork chops. A star rating of 5 out of 5. This post may contain affiliate links. Slow cooker pulled pork is incredibly juicy, tender and flavorful with the perfect blend of spices. And let’s be honest, pulled pork tacos are the best. Slow cooker pulled pork is juicy, flavorful and delicious.

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork My slow cooker is one of the most used appliances in my kitchen, right after my Vitamix. And it’s perfect for making the best slow cooker pulled pork you’ve ever tasted. With how busy we all are it’s great to have a recipe that only takes 5 minutes to prep and cooks all on its own. There’s definitely no slaving away in the kitchen with this recipe.

In fact, it’s quite possibly the easiest pulled pork recipe that exists. Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Recipe Video Want to know how to make the best pulled pork? Watch the quick tutorial video below! The Best Cut of Pork for Pulled Pork When it comes to making pulled pork, look for a boneless pork shoulder. Sometimes it’s also called a pork butt or Boston butt. You can find bone-in pork shoulders, though I prefer a boneless pork shoulder for more meat in my slow cooker.

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