
Bacardi calories per shot

How to make: SHAKE all ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glass. 2 sugar to 1 water, bacardi calories per shot. Read about cocktail measures and measuring. This list may not include all required ingredients.

Price per cocktail is an estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the available ingredients shown above and does not include any postage charges. Hence the above recipe will fill one oversize Martini or two regular coupe glasses. If you’ve a bone dry palate and would like to sample a true Hemingway Special without the addition of sugar then try the following authentic recipe given to me by Alejandro Bolívar Rodriguez, Head Bartender at El Floridita, Havana, Cuba where this cocktail is blended and not shaken. Indeed, blending rather than shaking Daiquiris is the default at El Floridita. Method: BLEND all ingredients with crushed ice for five seconds. Ribalaigua Vert, the legendary head bartender of El Floridita, Havana, Cuba for Ernest Hemingway, after the great man wandered into the bar to use the toilet.

When Hemingway tried the Floridita’s standard frozen Daiquiri, he is quoted as saying, “That’s good but I prefer it without sugar and with double rum” – so the Hemingway Special was born. The original version was exactly as Hemingway requested a Daiquiri without sugar and heavy on the rum, basically, rum shaken with a splash of lime juice. Years later after he took over the position of Head Bartender at El Floridita, Antonio Meilan added maraschino and grapefruit juice into the drink. Today sugar is commonly also added to balance this drink and make it more palatable to people with less sour palates than Hemingway. Hemingway was affectionately known as ‘Papa’ in Cuba and this drink was originally named ‘Daiquiri Like Papa’ and then later ‘Papa Doble’. After Meilan added maraschino and grapefruit the drink changed its name again to the Hemingway Special we recognise today.

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